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Our actions today shape the world of tomorrow

The protection of our environment and the efficient use of resources is both our responsibility to society and future generations and a decisive factor for the long-term success of our company and our customers.

Energy from the sun

A key component of our commitment to sustainability is the use of renewable energy sources. We have installed large-scale solar systems at many of our production sites and continuously optimise our energy consumption with our specially developed energy management system. These solar systems help some sites to cover up to 30% of their annual energy requirements with clean, renewable energy.

That is why we have been committed for many years

Innovation drives efficiency

Our pursuit of sustainability does not end with energy generation. Current research focuses, such as the development of electric furnaces that run entirely on renewable energy and the use of energy-saving kiln furniture in the sintering process, are examples of our commitment to continuously improving the efficiency of our production processes.

Conserving resources in everyday life

We are constantly working to reduce waste, separate it consistently and, where possible, recycle it. We purify our process waste gases using advanced flue gas afterburning and filter systems. We also use our energy management system to optimise our production processes with regard to energy efficiency. Our employees are continuously encouraged to adopt environmentally friendly and resource-conserving behavior.

Sustainability at our customers

We work closely with our customers to achieve energy savings in their applications and to make the life cycle of our products sustainable. Examples of this include recycling process waste water using our filtration technology or reducing the weight of machine components, which reduces energy consumption during their service life. 

Responsible value chain

As an environmentally and socially responsible company, we ensure compliance with current national and international regulations and guidelines in these areas. Likewise, we expect our suppliers to act correctly and systematically check this.